我叫Caroline Monet,,en,我是骄傲的创始人,,en,Caroline护肤品的创建者兼总监,,en,在做按摩治疗师时,,en,我手上出现了使人衰弱的湿疹,,en,我作为治疗师的新职业突然结束了,,en,不久之后,,en,我女儿出生后,,en,我的病情开始恶化,,en,像许多皮肤问题患者一样,,en,我一生对传统和自然疗法的兴趣为我铺平了道路,创造了一种家庭疗法,这最终将使我不仅感到欣慰,,en,但也有强烈的目标感和对改变的热情,这继续激励着我,,en,我继续以坚定不移的帮助人民的愿望为动力,,en,并继续我的道德操守使命,,en, and I am the proud founder, creator and director of Caroline’s Skincare.

More than 20 年前, while working as a massage therapist, 我手上长了湿疹. Consequently, my new career as a therapist ended rather abruptly, and a short time later, after my daughter was born, my condition began to worsen. So, as is the case for so many people afflicted with skin problems, my seemingly endless search for a solution began. Ultimately, it was my lifelong interest in traditional and natural therapies that paved the way to me creating a home remedy that would finally bring me not only welcome relief, but also a deep sense of purpose and a passion for making a difference that continues to inspire me.

Today, I continue to be driven by an unshakable desire to help people, and to continue my mission of operating an ethical, 我在西澳大利亚州本土获得的可持续性治疗性皮肤护理企业–始终保持我坚定的承诺,保持我的产品由澳大利亚制造,,en,最初在家用厨房中配制治疗性护肤霜-汲取了我一生对芳香疗法和自然疗法的热情-我很快得出了一个配方,该配方可以使我从病情中获得持久的缓解,,en,渴望与患有一系列经常痛苦的状况(包括轻度湿疹)的朋友和家人分享这一突破,,en,我开始亲自分发面霜,,en,经常带着我的小女儿拖着,,en,结果频繁,,en,惊喜地,,en,不久之后,,en,有几个人经常要我的面霜-包括一个朋友的三岁女儿,,en.

Initially formulating a therapeutic skin cream in my home kitchen – drawing on my lifelong passion for aromatherapy and natural remedies – I soon arrived at a formula that offered me lasting relief from my condition. 渴望与患有包括轻度湿疹在内的多种疾病的朋友和家人分享这一突破, mild psoriasis, and mild dermatitis, I began to distribute my cream in person, often with my young daughter in tow. The results were frequently, happily surprising. Before long, several people were routinely requesting my cream – including the three-year-old daughter of a friend, 她开始要求她妈妈在晚上涂抹“卡罗琳霜”来舒缓她发痒的皮肤. 所以卡罗琳护肤品的旗舰产品 Caroline的霜 出生于.

In the more than 20 几年以来 Caroline的霜 已启动,推出, and following rigorous testing and the positive feedback of customers far and wide, 我开发并推出了多功能的姊妹产品 Caroline的洗, 连同我的标志性润唇膏 卡罗琳的唇部修复 – 自然的, 富含天然脂质的润肤膏,有助于保护受唇疱疹影响的嘴唇, 皮炎, 湿疹, chapping, 和干燥 - 和行业领先的 14号血清. Through it all, Caroline’s Skincare has offered people across Australia and the world simple, accessible, 有效地呵护他们的皮肤,,en,Caroline的产品适合所有年龄段和皮肤类型的人,,en,令我无比热情的关键在于字母,,en,我几乎每天都会收到来自使用我的产品的好处的人的电子邮件和电话,,en,我非常感谢您的反馈,,en,这激励着我确保我的产品尽可能地提供给所有需要救济的人,,en,为了确保我的客户在将来可以随时使用他们依赖的产品,,en,卡罗琳的护肤品提供专门的在线商店,,en,将Caroline的产品直接运送到您家,,en,遍及澳大利亚和海外,,en,应对挑战,,en. Caroline’s products are suited to people of all ages and skin types.

Key to my unquenchable passion for skincare are the letters, emails and telephone calls I receive almost every day from people who enjoy the benefits of using my products. 我非常感谢这个 反馈, 这激励我确保我的产品尽可能容易地提供给所有需要一些受欢迎的救济的人.

In an effort to ensure my customers ready access to the products they depend upon into the future, Caroline's Skincare 提供 专门的网上商店, delivering Caroline’s products directly to your door, both across Australia and overseas.

应对过去的挑战 3 岁月让我反思那些对我来说真正重要的事情. With all of the businesses stresses aside, 过去几年重申了我要继续为人们生产产品的决心. I have been knocked down so many times, but I always find a way to get back up again. 让我振作起来的是我有一个目标.

For further information or assistance, 请不要犹豫 接触 我的一位出色的团队成员或我. 我们很乐意尽我们所能帮助您让生活更轻松.


创造者 & 创办人, Caroline的护肤品

Footage from Today Extra provided courtesy of Nine Network Australia Pty Ltd.
